
The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a revolution in the gaming world, ushering in a new era of interactive, immersive, and ever-changing experiences. This article will look at some of the main ways AI will affect the video game world in 2024. Let's dive deeper into it!
We met up and had a conversation with Ed Gonen, who's the Chief Technology Officer at 28software.
As we step into 2024, the world of e-commerce is undergoing a transformative evolution. There’s a lot going on, from the boom of social shopping to the growing popularity of subscription services.
An entrepreneur wanted to start a small business selling mobile phone accessories. She approached us just with an idea, but no knowledge of e-commerce or website development.
A promising startup in Sweden specializing in eco-friendly wooden toys and furniture sought to establish a robust online presence to reach a wider audience and boost sales.
A young online pet store in the USA started its business on the WordPress website. However, after six months, they realized the need for a more robust and integrated platform.
An Exclusive Interview with 28software's Founder and CEO
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